Dr. (Ms) Pasala Geervani
Born in Tiruttani on 15 November 1936. Educated in Queen Mary's college, Madras, 1951-55; women's Christian College 1958-60 and 1974-77; Fellow of United Nations University, Manila, Philippines, 1984. B.Sc. 1955, M.sc 1960, Ph.D. 1977; Full Bright Scholar 1984; FAO Consultant 1991-94.
Associate Professor of Foods and Nutrition 1968-78;Prof.Foods and Nutrition 1978-88 and 1992-94;Dean of Home science 198-92 at AP Agricultural university; Vice chancellor,Sri Padmavathi Mahila university, Tirupati 1994-97;Prochancellor of Chinmaya Viswavidyapeeth, Kerala since 2016.
Awards/Honours: International prize for Technology for child Nutrition, Italy, 1991
Research Areas: Food science and Nutrition, Technology for child nutrition
Address: 201, Dreams Apartments, Road No. 3, Banjara Hills, Hyderabad 500034, Telangana; [Tel: Res. (040) 23544944; Email: pgeervani@gmail.com]
Member Executive Council 1 Jan, 2009 to 31 Dec, 2011; Member Executive Council 1 Jan, 2001 to 31 Dec, 2003
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