National Academy of Agricultural Sciences

Dr. Cholenahalli Laxmipathi Gowda

Born in Cholenahalli, Hassan District, Karnataka, India on 13 June 1949. Educated at College of Agriculrure, Dharwad, University of Agricultural Sciences, Bengaluru, 1966-70; G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar, 1970-72; Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi, 1972-75. B.Sc. (Ag) 1970; M.Sc. (Ag), 1972; Ph.D. 1975.

Co-Founder, GRSV Consulting Services, Mysuru.

Deputy Director General-Research, ICRISAT, Hyderabad, 2013-14; Director, Grain Legumes Research Program, 2011-13 and Director of Crop Improvement Program, 2002-10; Director, Information Resource Management Program, 2001; Head, Learning Systems Unit, 1999-2001; Research Project Coordinator, Genetic Diversification and Enhancement, 1999-2001; Assoc. Coordinator, Asian Grain Legumes Network, 1987-1992; Coordinator of Cereals and Legumes Asia Network, 1993-2013; and Chickpea Breeder 1975-2013.

Awards/Honours: Distinguished Alumnus of University of Mysore, Mysore 2021; Distinguished Alumnus of University of Agricultural Sciences, Bengaluru, 2016; Niigata International Food Award, Japan, 2014; Certificate of Recognition for Outstanding Scientific contribution, by Nepal Agriculture Research Council, Kathmandu; and Vietnam Academy of Agriculture Sciences, Hanoi, 2014; International Service in Agriculture Award by Crop Science Society of America, USA (2012); Lifetime Achievement for Excellence in Science, 2012; ICRISAT Scientific Leadership Award, 2007; Distinguished Scientific Achievement Award from Deendayal Research Institute, India, 2008; Doreen Margaret Mashler Team Award (6 times): for Promoting IPM in Groundnut in India and Vietnam, 1997, Excellence in Conserving Plant Genetic Resources (2004), for Global Sorghum Improvement, 2006, Outstanding contribution to Enhance groundnut production and productivity in Vietnam (Team Award), 2005 for Outstanding contribution to Public and Private Sector Partnership, 2007; Special Award for Pulses Development from Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council (2003); Distinguished Scientific Achievement Award, Nepal Agricultural Research Council, 2002; King Baudouin Award, CGIAR, Washington DC, USA, 2002; and Government of Vietnam Medal for Agriculture and Rural Development, Hanoi, 1997.

Fellow: Karnaraka Science and Technology Academy (2022); Agronomy Society of America (2015); National Academy of Agricultural Sciences (2015); Crop Improvement Society of India (2011);Indian Society of Genetics and Plant Breeding (1999)

Research Areas: Genetics, Plant Breeding, and Statistics; Research Management

Address: No. 7, Block-13, SBM Colony, Srirampura II Stage, Mysuru 570023, Karnataka; [Tel: Res. (0821) 2363975; Cell: 9440399970; Email:]

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