Dr. Vinod Kumar Gupta
Born in Bombay, India on 17 March 1951. Educated at Delhi United Christian School, Delhi 1967; B.Sc. Ramjas College, University of Delhi, 1970; M.Sc. Indian Agricultural Research Institute, 1972; PG Diploma, Indian Agricultural Statistics Research Institute (IASRI), 1974; Ph.D. IARI, 1983.
Scientist S-1, 1976-82, Senior Scientist, 1982-88, National Fellow, 1995-2000, Head, Division of Design of Experiments, 2000-03, and Joint Director, 2003-06, IASRI, New Delhi; ICAR National Professor, IASRI, New Delhi, 2006-16; FAO Consultant, 1994.
Awards/Honours: IARI Best Teacher Award, 1999; First Dr. D.N. Lal Memorial Lecture Award, 2000; Professor P.V. Sukhatme Gold Medal Award, 2005; ISAS Sankhyiki Bhushan, 2010; Sessional President, 61st Annual Conference, Indian Society of Agricultural Statistics, 2007; Chair Editor, Journal of the Indian Society of Agricultural Statistics; Chair Editor, Statistics and Applications; Associate Editor, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice and Agricultural Research; Vice-President, Indian Society of Agricultural Statistics; President, Society of Statistics, Computer and Applications; President, Governing Body, Institute of Applied Statistics and Development Studies, Lucknow.
Fellow: Elected Member of the International Statistical Institute; Indian Society of Agricultural Statistics.
Research Areas: Design of Experiments, Sampling Theory, Applied Statistics
Address: Formerly ICAR National Professor, Indian Agricultural Statistics Research Institute, (IASRI), Library Avenue, Pusa, New Delhi 110012; 108, Jaipuria Building, Kolhapur Road, Kamla Nagar, Delhi 110007; [Tel: Cell: 9899105601; Email: vkgupta_1751@yahoo.co.in]
Editor (Casual Vacancy) 23 Jul, 2015 to 31 Dec, 2016
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