Dr. (Ms) Shailaja Hittalmani
Born in Dharwad, India, on 15 April 1956. Educated in St. Joseph's High School, Dharwad, 1972; B.Sc. (Agri) 1978; M.Sc. (Agri.)1980; and Ph.D in 1985, University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore; Post Doctorate, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India 1991-1992; International Rice Research Institute, Philippines; 1993-95; Project Scientist, IRRI, 2005-06; Visiting Fellow International Rice Research Institute 1997-2000.
Dean (Post Graduate Studies), UAS, GKVK, Bangalore 2017-18; Professor & Head of the Division, Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding, University of Agricultural Sciences, GKVK, Bangalore, 2008-17 and Lead, DNA Marker Assisted Selection Laboratory, GKVK; Crop Co-ordinator (Rice), University of Agricultural Sciences, GKVK, Bangalore, 2007-18.
Awards/Honours: IRRI Young Scientist Award, 1989-90; ICAR Young Women Agriculture Scientist, 1997; Dr. C.V. Raman Research Award, 1999; UAS Best Alumni Award 2007; Hari Om Ashram Trust ICAR Award 2009-2010; Rao Bahadur Dr. B. Vishwanath, IARI Award, 2013; Ramaiah Award (NAAS) for Research (2015-2016), UAS Bangalore Merit Award for External Research Grants 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008-2009, 2010 and 2011-2017; Member RCGM, DBT, Govt. of India (2014-2017), Member, Editorial Committee, ORYZA; Member Asian Rice Biotechnology Network 1994-2009; DBT Nominee for INDAM Seeds, IIsc, and Dow Agro Seeds 2012-2015, Member, Research Advisory Committee of Central Rice Research Institute 2011-2014; Member, Research Advisory Committee of Indian Institute of Sciences, Bangalore 2014 to till date; Member, Research Review Committee Karnataka State Sericulture Research and Development Institute, Bangalore from 2012 to till date; Associate Editor, International Journal of Plant Genomics, USA 2006; Councillor (Southern Zone), ISGPB, 2007, Chairperson, Women Safety Cell, University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore 2007-2012.
Fellow: Indian Society of Genetics and Plant Breeding 2012.
Research Areas: Rice breeding and genetics for abiotic and biotic stress, marker assisted selection and application of DNA markers in rice; rice molecular breeding, Genomics. Varietal development for water limited situations, drought, disease and nutrition. Rice varieties developed for aerobic, drought tolerance, grain nutrients and blast disease resistance. Farmer participatory breeding for rice and Finger millets.
Address: No. 16, I Cross, D.V. Block, Dinnur Main Road, R.T. Nagar, Bengaluru 560065, Karnataka; [Tel: Res. (080) 23337660; Cell: 9845017436, 9448270110; Email: shailajah_maslab@rediffmail.com; shailajahittalmani@gmail.com]
Member Executive Council 1 Jan, 2009 to 31 Dec, 2011; Dr. K. Ramiah Memorial Award 2015-2016
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