Dr. Kishore Kumar Krishnani
Born in Durg, Chhatisgad, India on 18 November 1966. Educated at Bhilai Steel Plant School, Bhilai Nagar, Chhatisgad 1982-1983; Govt. Science College Durg Chhatisgad 1983-1988; Ravishankar University Raipur 1989-1992; B.Sc.(Biology) 1986; M.Sc. (Organic chemistry) 1988; Ph.D. (Chemistry) 1992. Post-doctoral research at CSIRO Canberra, 2013; Advance research at University of California, 2010; Stevens Institute of Technology-USA, 2004; Overseas Training at SEAFDEC-Philippines 2003.
Joint Director (Academic), ICAR-Indian Institute of Agricultural Biotechnology, Ranchi 2023 to date
Assistant Professor (Honorary), Govt. Science College Durg, Chhatisgad, 1988-1992; Scientist (Probationer), NAARM Hyderabad and CTRI, Rajhamundry, Andra Pradesh, 1993-1994; Scientist, 1994-1998; Scientist (SS), 1998-2002; Senior Scientist, 2002-2008; Principal Scientist, 2009 onwards, ICAR-Central Institute of Brackishwater Aquaculture Chennai, Tamil Nadu; Principal Scientist, ICAR-Directorate of Weed Science Research, Jabalpur (MP), 2011; Head, School of Edaphic Stress Management, ICAR-National Institute of Abiotic Stress Management, Malegaon, Baramati-Pune, 2012-17; I/c-Head-Schools of Edaphic/Atmospheric Stress Management, ICAR-National Institute of Abiotic Stress Management 2017-18, Head (A), Division of Aquaculture, ICAR-Central Institute of Fisheries Education (CIFE) 2020-21, Head (A), Aquatic Environment and Health Management, CIFE 2023, Principal Scientist, CIFE, Mumbai 2018-2023.
Awards/Honours: Rafi Ahmed Kidwai Award for outstanding Research in Agricultural Sciences (Animal and Fisheries Sciences)-2019, Best Poster Award-2017-National Seminar on Climate Resilient saline agriculture; Australia Awards Trusted Mentor 2014; Australian Govt (DWEER) sponsored Endeavour Award/Fellowship on recombinant DNA technology/enzymatic bioremediation 2012; CIBA's Silver Jubilee Celebration- Best Paper Presentation Award -2012; Journal-Best Article Award - 2012; ICAR-NAIP-HRD-overseas Fellowship on nanobioremediation and biosensor 2010; BRSI-Best Poster Award- International Conference-2007; 7th Indian Fisheries Forum-Young Scientist Award 2005; TCTP-Japanese International Cooperation Agency sponsored training on Responsible Aquaculture Development 2003; Department of Biotechnology's long term Overseas Associateship on bioremediation using molecular techniques 2004; Recognized from Madras University to guide students for Ph.D. 2000 to date; CSIR-SRF-1992; CSIR-UGC JRF/ARS Lectureship (NET) 1991-1992.
Fellow: Member of Governing Body-the Biotech Research Society, India (BRSI)-2021-2023, Fellow of the Biotech Research Society, India (BRSI-CSIR-NIIST), Member of the National Academy of Sciences, India, 2017; Nominated Member of IMC-NIASM, 2014-17; Nominated Member of IMC-CIFRI, 2020-Current; Life Member-Biotech Research Society of India; Executive member - Coastal Aquaculture Society of India 2006-14; Life member - Society of Pesticide Science India; Member - Society of Aquaculture Professionals, 2007-08
Research Areas: Aquatic environment and health management of aquaculture and culture based fisheries; Abiotic and biotic stress management in multidisciplinary farming systems using multi-omics; Environmental biotechnology; Nano (bio) technology; Circular economy applied to Agri-aquaculture
Address: Joint Director (Academic), ICAR-Indian Inst. of Agricultural Biotechnology, Garkhatanga, Ranchi 834003, Jharkhand; 6B, Durga Apartment, Oberia Road, Hatia, Ranchi 834003, Jharkhand; [Tel: Cell: 8097667980, 8788679672; Email: krishnanik@hotmail.com; kishor.krishnani@icar.gov.in]
Recognition Award 2017-2018
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