Dr. B. Mohan Kumar
Born in Kerala, India on 14 October 1953. Educated at AVHS, Thazhava, 1966-1969; DB College, Sasthamcottah, 1969-1971; College of Agriculture, Thiruvananthapuram, 1971-1975; College of Horticulture, Thrissur, 1976-1978; Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi, 1979-1984; Utah State University, USA, 1986-1987; Indira Gandhi National Open University, New Delhi, 1995-96; BSc (Ag), 1975; MSc (Ag), 1978; PG Diploma (Seed Technology), 1980; PhD, 1984; Diploma (Forestry), 1987; Diploma (Management), 1996.
Junior Assistant Professor, 1975-80; Assistant Professor, 1980-85; Associate Professor, 1985-1998; Professor and Head, Department of Silviculture & Agroforestry, 1998-2008; and Associate Dean, College of Forestry, Kerala Agricultural University, Thrissur, 2008-12; Assistant Director General (Agronomy, Agroforestry and Climate Change), ICAR, New Delhi, 2012-15; Professor/Dean, School of Ecology and Environment Studies, Nalanda University, Rajgir, Bihar, 2015-18; ICAR Emeritus Scientist, College of Forestry, Kerala Agricultural University, Thrissur, 2018-20; Vice-Chancellor, Arunachal University of Studies, Namsai, Arunachal Pradesh, India, 2020-2022. Courtesy Professor, School of Forest Resources and Conservation, University of Florida, Gainesville, USA, 2006 to date.
Associate Editor, Agroforestry Systems, 2005 to date; Associate Editor, Frontiers in Environmental Sciences/Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 2014 to date; Associate Editor, Carbon Footprints, 2020 to date, Editorial Board Member, Forest Ecology and Management, 1990 to 2016; Editor, Journal of Tropical Agriculture, 2004-12. Lead Author, Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform for Biodiversity and Ecosystems Services, Asia-Pacific Assessment (2015-1018).
Awards/Honours: Lifetime Achievement Award of Indian Society of Agroforestry, 2022, First Dr. KG Tejwani Award of Indian Society of Agroforestry, 2008; Scholar in Residence, Center for Agroforestry, University of Missouri-Columbia, USA, 2016; CNRS Visiting Scholar, Université de Toulouse-Le Mirail, France, 2010; Erasmus Mundus Visiting Scholarship, University of Wales, UK, 2009; IR3S Visiting Professor, The University of Tokyo, Japan, 2008; Fulbright Scholarship, University of Florida, USA, 2007; JSPS Invitation Fellowship, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Japan, 2003-04; USAID Postdoctoral Fellowship, Utah State University, USA, 1986-87; IARI Senior Fellowship; KAU Certificate of Appreciation.
Fellow: National Academy of Sciences, India; National Institute of Ecology; Kerala Academy of Sciences, Indian Society of Agroforestry
Research Areas: Agroforestry, forest ecology, silviculture
Address: No. 48, Pushpavihar, Nadathara, Thrissur 680751, Kerala; [Tel: Cell: 9995815730; 8590930195; Email: bmohankumarkau@gmail.com]
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