Dr. Suresh Pal
Born at Simbhalka, Uttar Pradesh on 15 March 1960. Educated at Government schools affiliated to UP Board; B.Sc. Ag & AH (Hons), 1979; M.Sc. Ag, 1982, GB Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar; Ph.D. (Agricultural Economics), 1987, IARI, New Delhi.
Scientist, Division of Agricultural Economics, IARI, New Delhi, 1986-96; Senior Scientist, 1996-2004 and Principal Scientist, 2004-2009, NIAP, New Delhi; Head, Division of Agricultural Economics, IARI, New Delhi, 2009-15. Consultant and visiting scientist to CGIAR Centres (IFPRI, IRRI, CIMMYT), World Bank, FAO, CGIAR Science Council, APAARI, Overseas Development Institute (UK), Wageningen University and other international research organizations; Member (Official) and Chairman (Addl charge 2016), Commission for Agricultural Costs & Prices, New Delhi, 2015-16; Former Director, ICAR-National Institute of Agricultural Economics and Policy Research, New Delhi 2016-2022.
Awards/Honours: President-Elect, Indian Society of Agricultural Economics (Mumbai) 2022; Rafi Ahmad Kidwai Award of ICAR; D.K. Desai Award (1992 & 2002) of the Indian Society of Agricultural Economics (Mumbai); D.T. Doshi Award (2002) of the Agricultural Economics Research Association (India); The Norman Borlaug International Science Fellow, 2009 (USDA); Expert member of high level committees of the NITI Aayog (Planning Commission), Department of Science and Technology, Office of the Principal Scientific Advisor to Prime Minister, Ministry of Environment and Forest, Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development, and Indian Council of Agricultural Research; Member, Research Program Committee (2009-12) and Executive Committee of the Indian Society of Agricultural Economics (Mumbai); Member, Editorial Board, Agricultural Economics Research Review and Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences; Associate Editor, Agricultural Research; Member, Advisory Committee of ASTI Program of CGIAR (2010-12); Secretary (2013-14, 2016 to date) and Vice-President (2015), Agricultural Economics Research Association (India); Fellow, Indian Society of Agricultural Economics (Mumbai), 2017.
Research Areas: Agricultural development policy, institutional change, science and technology policy, technology and trade for development
Address: 673 Princess Park, Plot 33, Sector 6, Dwarka, New Delhi 110075; [Tel: Cell: 9818357791; Email: spl.econ@gmail.com]
Treasurer 1 Jan, 2010 to 22 Aug, 2010
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