National Academy of Agricultural Sciences

Prof. Sudhindra Nath Panda

Born in Gopalbindha, Bhadrak, Odisha, India on 5 August, 1956. Educated at Government Boys High School, Unit 1, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, 1967-71; Fakir Mohan College, Balasore, Odisha, 1971-1972; Odisha University of Agriculture and Technology (OUAT), Bhubaneswar, 1973-78; Punjab Agricultural University (PAU), Ludhiana, 1980-82 (M. Tech.) & 1986-89(Ph.D,awarded in 1992).

Visiting Faculty (Professor)-AHRC, AI & HPC Research Centre (AHRC), IIT Bhubaneswar.

Junior Engineer, Additional Director of Soil Conservation, Jodhpur and Addl. Director of Agric. Engineering, Bhubaneswar, 1978-1980; Research Assistant, Dryland Agriculture Research Project (ICAR), OUAT, Bhubaneswar, 1982-1983; Assistant Research Engineer, Regional Research Station (PAU), Ballowal Saunkhri, Punjab, 1983-1984; Assistant Professor, Soil & Water Engineering Department, PAU, Ludhiana, 1984-1986; Senior Scientist (Soil & Water Engineering), OUAT, Bhubaneswar, 1989-1995; Reader (Engineering), Water & Land Management lnstitute, Cuttack, Odisha, 1991-1994 (on deputation from OUAT); Visiting Assistant Professor, 1995-1996; Assistant Professor, 1996-2000, Associate Professor, 2000-2004, Professor, 2004-2010, and Professor (Higher Academic Grade), 2010-2021 in Agricultural and Food Engineering Department, IIT Kharagpur; Visiting Professor, Arid Land Research Center, Tottori University, Japan, 2013-2014 and Civil & Environmental Engg. Dept., Tokyo Metropolitan Univ., Tokyo, 2022-2023; Professor-in-Charge (Water Works), IIT Kharagpur, 2004-2007; Founder Head, School of Water Resources, IIT Kharagpur, 2008-2013; Director, National Institute of Technical Teachers Training and Research (NITTTR), [Ministry of Education, Govt. of India], Chennai 2016-2021 (on lien term with IIT Kharagpur); National Coordinator (Teachers Training Programme), SWAYAM-MOOCs, MoE, GoI, 2016-2021; Coorinator (AICTE-National Initiative of Technical Teachers Training), 2019-2021. Superannuated from IIT Kharagpur in 2021. Dean-Faculty Development, SRM University-AP, Amaravati, 2021-2022; andVice-Chancellor, C. V. Raman Global University, Bhubaneswar, 2022-2024.

Awards/Honours: Gold Medal, Orissa Engineering Congress, Bhubaneswar, 1990 & 1991;Jawahar Lal Nehru Award in Soil Science, Natural Resource Management and Agronomy (Water Management), ICAR, 1993; Short-term Collaborative Research Fellowship in Agricultural Land Drainage, Winand Staring Center for Integrated Land, Soil and Water Research (SC-DLO), Wageningen, The Netherlands, 1996; Short-term Collaborative Research Fellowship in Artificial Groundwater Recharge, INSA-DFG (German), 1997; Shanker Memorial Award (Soil & Water Engineering), ISAE, 1998; lntegrated Environmental Engineering Study Scholarships in Rainwater Harvesting and Recycling Processes, DAAD, Germany,2001; Visiting lnternational Fellow, Am. Soc. of Civil Engineers, 2002; Commendation Medal (Soil & Water Engineering), ISAE, 2003; Short-term Collaborative Research Fellowship in Crop, Soil & Water Sciences, INSA-IRRl, Manila (Philippines), 2004; K C Das Memorial Award, lnstitution of Engineeers (lndia), 2006; Short-term Collaborative Research Fellowship in Disaster Management, DAAD, Germany, 2008; Institution Award, Institution of Engineers (lndia), 2009; Short-term Collaborative Research Fellowship in Water Resources Management of Arid Environment, INSA-JSPS (Japan), 2011; and ISAE Gold Medal awarded for Life Time Achievements in the field of Agricultural Engineering.2023.

Fellow: lndian Association of Soil & Water Conservationists, 2024; Indian Society of Agricultural Engineers, 2015; Indian Water Resources Society, 2013; and The Institution of Engineers (lndia), 2006; Life Member: lndian Association of Soil & Water Conservationists, 2009; Indian Society of Water Management, 1995; and Systems Society of India, 1987; Member: American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, 2004; International Association of Hydrological Sciences, 2000; and American Society of Civil Engineers, 1999.

Research Areas: Integrated Land and Water Resources Systems Planning and Management; Rainwater Conservation and Reuse for Climate Resilient Rainfed Agriculture; and Engineering Education

Address: Vice-Chancellor, C.V. Raman Global University, Bidyanagar, Mahura, Janla, Bhubaneswar 752054, Odisha; [Tel: Cell: 9434009156; Email:]

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