Dr. Ram Kirpal Pathak
Fellow, Elected 2007
Born in Jaunpur, U.P., India on 3 August 1943. Educated at Govt. Agriculture College, Kanpur of Agra University, B.Sc., 1963 & M.Sc. (Ag.), 1965; IARI, New Delhi, Ph.D. 1970.
President, Horticultural Research & Development Foundation, Dhraodun, Homa Teacher, Five Fold Path Mission, Member, Ganga Action Pariwar.
Professor and Head Horticulture, N.D. University of Agriculture & Technology, Faizabad; Technical Coordinator, U.P. Diversified Agriculture Support Project, Uttar Pradesh; Director, Central Institute for Subtropical Horticulture, Lucknow; Chief Consultant, National Horticultural Mission, Govt. of India, Ministry of Agriculture, New Delhi, 2006-09.
Awards/Honours: ICAR Gold Medal 1970; Dr. Rajender Prasad Award 1986; Shri Girdhari Lal Chadha Memorial Medal 1997; VASVIK Award 2002; ICAR Rafi Ahmed Kidwai Award, 2002-04; Dhatri Shree Award 2003; ISHS Medal, 2005. Board of Director and Member Executive, International Competence Centre for Organic Agriculture (ICCOA), Bangalore.
Fellow: The Horticultural Society of India
Research Areas: Fruit Science, Organic cultivation
Address: 3/40, Bahar, Sahara State, Jankipuram, Lucknow 226021, U.P.; C-906 Tower, Oberoi Executive, Goregoan East, Mumbai 400063, Maharashtra; [Tel: Cell: 8828686737, 9454974422,; Email: pathakramkripal@gmail.com]
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