National Academy of Agricultural Sciences

Dr. B.S. Prakash

Born in Bangalore, India on 12 July 1956. Educated at St. Josephs Academy, Dehradun, 1968-71; Vijaya College, Bangalore, 1972-75; National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal, 1975-77; B.Sc. 1975; M.Sc. 1977; Ph.D. 1983; German Academic Exchange Service Fellowship, 1985-86; Department of Biotechnology, Overseas Associateship, 1995-96; INSA Exchange Visit Fellowship, 2004; DAAD Reinvitation Fellowship Program 2008.

Consultant FAO

Sr. Scientist, 1986-98, Professor, 1998-2000, Animal Physiology, and Head, Division of Dairy Cattle Physiology, 2000-11, National Dairy Research Institute Karnal; Assistant Director General (Animal Nutrition & Physiology), ICAR, 2011-18; Sr. Consultant (AH&F), National Rainfed Area Authority, 2019-2020.

Awards/Honours: ISCA Young Scientist Award, 1985; Nils Lagerlof Memorial Award, 1985; Dr. D. Sunderesan Memorial Award, 1989; ISSAR Young Scientist Award, 1989; AJAS Purina Outstanding Research Award 2002; Rafi Ahmed Kidwai Award, 1990-92; PG Nair Award, 2004; IARI Shri Harikrishna Shastri Memorial Award 2005; Dr. Heinrich-Baur Award 2006 Germany; Dr. M.S. Swaminathan Award 2006-07; Dr. C.R. Sane Oration Lecture, 2009.

Fellow: National Academy of Sciences (India), Allahabad; National Academy of Dairy Science

Research Areas: Reproductive Physiology, Endocrinology, Animal Reproduction, Animal Production Systems

Address: 55A Chaman Garden, Karnal 132001, Haryana; [Tel: Cell: 9999979013; Email:;]

Recognition Award 2005-2006

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