National Academy of Agricultural Sciences

Dr. D. Joseph Bagyaraj

Born in Bangalore, India on 9 October 1940. Educated at St. Aloysius High School, Bangalore, 1945-56; St. Joseph's College, Bangalore, 1956-58; Agricultural College, Bangalore, 1958-61; College of Agriculture, Dharwar, 1961-63; Univ. of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore, 1966-71; UNDP Fellow, DSIR, Auckland, New Zealand, 1975; UNDP Fellow, CSIRO, Adelaide, Australia, 1975; Fulbright Fellow, Univ. of California, Riverside, USA, 1976.

Chairman, Centre for Natural Biological Resources and Community Development (CNBRCD), Bangalore, 2002 to date.

Professor of Agricultural Microbiology, Univ. of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore, 1972-2000; Visiting Scientist, Ruakura Soil and Plant Research Station, Hamilton, New Zealand, 1981-83; Emeritus Scientist, ICAR, 2001-03; INSA Senior Scientist, University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore, 2004-08; INSA Hon. Scientist, 2009-10, 2017-19, 2024 – continuing, CNBRCD, Bangalore; NASI Sr. Scientist, 2011-2015, NASI Hon. Scientist, 2020-2022, CNBRCD, Bangalore; FAO Consultant at Brazil, 1991 and Indonesia, 2009.

Awards/Honours: Mycological Soc. of India Shome Memorial Award, 1996; Assoc. of Microbiological Soc. of India S.R.Vyas Memorial Award, 1998; Univ. of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore Distinguished Alumni Award, 2001; Soc. of Soil Biology and Ecology Distinguished Scientist Award, 2002; Univ. of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwar Life Time Achievement Award, 2004; Dr. G. Rangaswami Endowment Award in Agricultural Microbiology, 2005; NCOF/Bangalore Univ./ Natl. Hort. Mission Distinguished Scientist Award, 2009; Professor T. S. Sadasivan Lecture Award of INSA, 2009; Dr. V. Agnihotrudu Memorial Lecture Award of MSI, 2011; Life Time Achievement Award in Mycology & Plant Pathology, Amravathi University, 2012; Dr. R.Y. Roy Memorial Lecture Award, BHU, 2012; NBRI Diamond Jubilee Lecture Award, 2013; Distinguished Professor Award from Univ. of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore, 2013; Mycological Soc. of India Prof. K. Natarajan Memorial Award, 2014; Task Force Member of the FAO initiative on Global Soil Partnership, 2014; President: Society of Soil Biology & Ecology; President: National Academy of Biological Sciences; Visionary Steering Council Member of World Bioprotection Forum Research Foundation, UK; Only Indian Contributor to Global Soil Biodiversity Atlas, 2016; Distinguished Asian Mycologist Award, 2019 conferred at Mie University, Japan; Life Time Microbiology Devotion Award, Microbiologists Society, India, 2024.

Fellow: National Academy of Sciences, India; National Academy of Biological Sciences; Indian Phytopathological Society; Association of Microbiologists of India; Society of Applied Biotechnologists; Mycologial Society of India; Karnataka Science and Technology Academy

Research Areas: Agricultural microbiology, plant - microbe interactions, mycorrhizal symbiosis

Address: 41, RBI Colony, Anand Nagar, Bengaluru 560024, Karnataka; [Tel: Off. / Res. (080) 23335368; Cell: 9448465368; Email:]

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