Dr. (Ms) Manju Sharma
Fellow, Elected 2001
Born in Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, India on 13 February 1940. Educated at Lucknow University, B.Sc. 1959, M.Sc. 1961, Ph.D. 1965; Post-doctorate, Purdue University, USA and Institute of Plant Anatomy and Cytology, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Distinguished Women Scientist Chair, NASI, Allahabad
Various positions of adviser; Chief Science and Scientific Secretary in the office of the Scientific Adviser to the Prime Minister; Secretary to the Government of India, Department of Biotechnology, New Delhi, 1996-2004.
Awards/Honours: Gold Medal, Lucknow University; VASVIK Award, 1994; Norman E. Borlaug Award, 1995; Distinguished Scientist; K.N. Bahl Memorial Gold Medal, 1997; FIE's National Award, 1998; Shri Om Prakash Bhasin Award, 1998; JEPPIAAR Educational Trust Fifth National Science and Technology Award, 1998; ISCA General President, 1998; President, Association of Microbiologists of India (AMI) 1999; President, Vigyan Parishad, Prayag, Allahabad; Asutosh Mukerjee Memorial Award, 2000-2001; IICT and Third World Organization of Women Scientists, Hall of Fame of the International Conference on "Women: Biotechnology, Environment & Non-Conventional Energy"; Institute of Directors Distinguished Fellow Award, 2001; ISCA Distinguished Scientist Award; G.M. Modi Science Award 2002; President, Orchid Society of India; All India Conference of Intellectuals, DELHI RATAN Award, 2003; Padma Bhushan Award, 2007; President and Executive Director IIAR, Gandhinagar, Gujarat; Co-Chair of Advisory Panel on Women for Science, Inter-Academy Panel- Holland; Member of the Board of Governers of UNU-IAS-Tokyo; Advisory Committee IIT, New Delhi; Chairman, Governing Body, Sriram Institute of Industrial Research, New Delhi
Fellow: Third World Academy of Sciences; National Academy of Sciences, India; Indian Society of Agricultural Biochemists.
Research Areas: Plant anatomy & plant chemistry
Address: B-9, Flat No. 6476, Vasant Kunj, New Delhi 110070; [Tel: Res. (011) 26134608, Cell: 09810702411; Fax: (011) 26134608 on request; Email: manjuvps@gmail.com]
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