Prof. Kailash Chander Bansal
Born in Hisar, India on 24 April 1955. Educated at Public School, Hisar 1966-70; D.N. College, Hisar 1971-74; Haryana Agricultural University, 1974-77; Indian Agricultural Research Institute, 1984-88; Harvard University, Cambridge, USA, 1990-92; B.Sc. 1974; M.Sc. 1977; Ph.D. 1988; DBT Overseas Associateship, 1990; Visiting Fellow, Plant Biotechnology, Rutgers University, New Jersey, USA, 1996
Scientist 1977-78, All India Coordinated Dryland Research Project, Hyderabad; Scientist 1978-85, and Senior Scientist 1986-98, Central Potato Research Institute, Shimla; Principal Scientist, 1998-2004, and Professor, Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, NRC on Plant Biotechnology, Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi, 2004-10; Coordinator, ICAR Network on Transgenics in Crops, 2005-10; Director, ICAR-National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources, New Delhi, 2010-16; Officer on Special Duty, National Agricultural Higher Education Project (NAHEP), ICAR 2016-17.
Awards/Honours: IARI Ph.D. Gold Medal, 1989; Prof. Hiralal Chakravarty Award (ISCA), 1994; AAAS Senior Award, Indian Society for Plant Physiology 2001; Shri Hari Krishna Shastri Award, IARI, 2008; Rafi Ahmad Kidwai Award, ICAR, 2008; Member, Editorial Board, Plant Biotechnology Journal, Blackwell Publishers, United Kingdom, 2010- till date; R.D. Asana Memorial Award, IARI, 2011; Platinum Jubilee Lecture, ISCA, 2012; Agriculture Research Leadership Award, New Delhi, 2012; Dr. J.V. Joshi Memorial Award Lecture, Hyderabad, 2012; Member, Governing Council, Punjab Biotechnology Incubator, Govt. of Punjab, 2013 -till date; Certificate of Appreciation, 2014, Society for Rapeseed-Mustard Research; Recognition for Excellence in Plant Biotechnology, 2016, Department of Biotechnology, University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangaluru; Haryana Vigyan Ratna 2017, Govt of Haryana, Chandigarh; Member, Board of Directors, Gloal Plant Council, 2020.
Fellow: Biotechnology Career, Rockefeller Foundation, USA, 1996; National Academy of Sciences, India, 2009.
Research Areas: Functional Genomics, Plant Genetic Engineering, Plant Genetic Resources, Plant Genome Editing
Address: A-81, Carlton Estate 4, DLF Phase 5, Sector 53, Gurugram 122003, Haryana; [Tel: Cell: 9999105667; Email:]
Secretary 1 Jan, 2021 to 31 Dec 2023; Member Executive Council 1 Jan, 2017 to 31 Dec 2019; Dr. K. Ramiah Award 2017-2018; Recognition Award 2009-2010
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