Dr. Vijay Kumar Bhatia
Born in Delhi, India on 7 February 1951. Educated at Ramjas School, Delhi, 1964-67; Hindu College, Delhi University, 1967-70; ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, 1970-72; ICAR-Indian Agricultural Statistics Research Institute, New Delhi, 1972-75; ICAR-Indian Agricultural Reseach Institute, 1978-85; B.Sc. 1970; M.Sc. 1972; PG Diploma (Agricultural Statistics) 1975; Ph.D. 1985.
Scientist S-1, 1976-83; Scientist S-2, 1983-86; Senior Scientist, 1986-98; Principal Scientist, 1998-2003; In-charge (RCMU), 2003-2008, Professor, Agricultural Statistics, 2008-11, and Director, ICAR-Indian Agricultural Statistics Research Institute, 2008-13.
Awards/Honours: IARI Best Teacher Award, 1998; Dr. D.N. Lal Memorial Lecture Award, 2003; Prof. P.V. Sukhatme Gold Medal Award, 2004; ISAS Sankhyiki Bhushan Award, 2011; Bharat Ratna Dr. C. Subramaniam Award for Outstanding Teachers in Agriculture and Allied Sciences, 2011. Vice-President, Indian Society of Agricultural Statistics, 2014; Member, United Nations/FAO Steering Group for Agricultural Statistics, 2012-13; President, International Indian Statistical Association-India Joint Statistical Meeting (IISA-India JSM) 2000 Trust, 2011-12; Vice President, Society of Statistics and Computer Applications; Member, Editorial Board of the Journals of Indian Society of Agricultural Statistics and Society of Statistics and Computer Applications; Member, Scientific Advisory Committee, FAO Global Strategy for Improvement of Agricultural and Rural Statistics, 2013-18, Member, Editorial Board of Journal of Agricultural Research of National Academy of Agricultural Sciences, 2022.
Fellow: National Academy of Agricultural Statistics, Indian Society of Agricultural Statistics
Research Areas: Agricultural Statistics, Statistical Genetics and Applied Statistics
Address:, B-279, Derawal Nagar, Near Model Town, Delhi 110009; [Tel: Cell: 9868141062; Email: vkb7251@gmail.com; vkbhatia7251@yahoo.co.in]
Editor 1 Jan, 2017 to 31 Dec 2019
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