Dr. Raghavendra Bhatta
Born at Uppoor, District Udupi, Karnataka, on 02 September 1965. Educated at the University of Agricultural Sciences, Bengaluru, B.V.Sc. 1988; M.V.Sc. 1990 and Ph.D. 1998; Post-doctorate, National Institute of Livestock and Grassland Science, Japan, 2004-2006, Post-doctorate, USDA, Texas, USA, 2011
Director, ICAR-National Institute of Animal Nutrition and Physiology, Bengaluru
Scientist, ICAR-CSWRI, Avikanagar, 1993-1998; Scientist Senior Scale, ICAR-CSWRI, Avikanagar, 1998-2002; Senior Scientist, ICAR-CSWRI, Avikanagar, 2002-03; Senior Scientist, ICAR- National Institute of Animal Nutrition and Physiology, Bangalore, 2003-08; Principal Scientist, ICAR- National Institute of Animal Nutrition and Physiology, Bangalore, 2009-14.
Awards/Honours: University of Agricultural Sciences Gold Medal in M. V. Sc., and Gold Medal in Ph. D., 1999; Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Post-doctoral fellowship for foreign researcher at National Institute of Livestock and Grassland Science, Japan (2004- 2006); Post-doctoral training at United States of America (USDA, Texas); Recipient of Best Veterinarian Award from Karnataka Veterinary Association, Bangalore, 2011; Sir C. V. Raman State Award for Young Scientists from Karnataka State Council for Science and Technology, Govt. of Karnataka 2017; Karuna Award for National Progress, 2017; Animal Nutrition Association Dr DVR Prakash Rao Outstanding Researcher Award, 2018; Achievers' Veterinarian Award for Visionary Leadership, Indian Veterinary Association, 2019, CLFMA Award for meritorious contribution to the Indian livestock sector, 2019; Rafi Ahmed Kidwai Award of ICAR, 2019; Eminent Scientist Award of The Society for Science of Climate Change and Sustainable Environment 2020; Outstanding Contribution in Climate Science and Environmental Sustainability from The Society for Science of Climate Change and Sustainable Environment 2022; Convener of the G20 workshop on One health: Challenges and Opportunties held at Bengaluru 2023; Member of the Technical Committee under Animal Husbandry Infrastructure Development Fund (AHIDF) 2022; Member of the National Advisory Committee for Animal Husbandry and Dairying sector. Government of India Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Dairying 2022; Member of the Technical Expert Committee (TEC) for Livestock, Animal and Allied Sciences, DBT, Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of India 2022; Nominated as the Convenor of the NAAS Regional Chapter- Bengaluru 2021; Member of the task force FSSAI to suggest way forward on regulating Animal Feed 2020; Member of the Advisory Board of Bengaluru Science and Technology (BeST) cluster 2020; Recognized as one of the world's top 2% scientists by the Stanford University analysis 2020, 2021,2022,02023; Member of the committee for the convergence of PMFME Scheme of the Ministry of Food Processing Industries with Schemes of Department of Animal Husbandry and Dairying, 2021; Member of the National Steering Committee of KRITAGYA, A national level hackathon on precision and economical animal farming, organized by NAHEP and Animal Science Division, ICAR, New Delhi, 2021: Nominated as the Indian Representative by the Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India for the Expert Consultation Meeting for the SAARC countries, 2019; Member of the FAD, Sectional Committee of the BIS; Member of the expert panel on Constitution of access and benefit sharing (ABS) to implement the Biological Diversity Act. Karnataka Biodiversity Board, 2017; Chairman of the Technical Committee on Feed and Fodder Development (TCFFD), Govt. of India, DAHDF, 2016; Member of the National Steering Committee on Feed and Development (NSCFFD), Govt. of India, DAHDF, 2016; Member of the Climate Change Advisory Committee of Environmental Management and Policy Research Institute (EMPRI), Department of Forest, Ecology and Environment, Government of Karnataka, 2015; Indian nominee for the Global Research Alliance of the Livestock Research Group for the Agricultural Greenhouse Gas emissions, 2013; Expert of Indian National Committee (INC) of the International Dairy Federation (IDF) Task Force on Animal Feeding, since 2013; Expert of the Technical Advisory Group (TAG) of the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, Rome for the initiative on `Partnership on the Environmental Benchmarking of Livestock Supply Chains' since 2013; Expert of the Technical Advisory Group (TAG) of the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, Rome on `Livestock Environmental Assessment and Performance Partnership' since 2013; Senior Editor of Agriculture & Food Security, Part of Springer Nature., 2020; Invited speaker during Greenhouse Gases and Sustainable Animal Agriculture for Developing Countries' at Banff, Canada, 2010; Melbourne, Australia, 2016; Invited speaker during VI Pan Commonwealth Veterinary Conference of the CVA Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2015.
Fellow: Fellow of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (FJSPS) 2004; National Academy of Veterinary Science (FNAVS), 2006; Animal Nutrition Association (FANA), 2012; Animal Nutrition Society of India (FANSI), 2016; National Academy of Dairy Science, India (FNADSI), 2016; Fellow of the Karnataka Science and Technology Academy (KSTA), 2021
Research Areas: Livestock methane emission & amelioration, methane inventory, climate change, small ruminant nutrition
Address: Deputy Director General (Animal Science), Division of Animal Science, Krishi Bhavan, New Delhi 110001, Delhi; [Tel: (011) 23381119, 23388991 Ext. 200 Fax: +91-11-23097001; Cell: 9035665594; Fax: (080) 25711420; Email: ragha0209@yahoo.com; ddgas.icar@nic.in]
Dr. P. Bhattacharya Award 2023-2024
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