Dr. Peter Carberry
Born in Narrabri, NSW, Australia on 20 August 1959. Educated at University of Sydney, B.Sc.Agr. II(I) Hons.1982; PhD in Agriculture, 1987
Director General, ICRISAT, 2018 to date
Research Scholar, International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT), Hyderabad, India, 1982-83; Experimental Scientist/Research Scientist (crop physiology/modelling), CSIRO Tropical Crops and Pastures, Townsville & Katherine, 1986-90; Research Scientist/Senior Research Scientist/ Principal Research Scientist /Senior Principal Research Scientist, CSIRO, Agricultural Production Systems Research Unit (APSRU), Toowoomba, 1991- 2006; Theme Leader, Economic & Environmental Performance of Australian Agriculture, CSIRO Agricultural Sustainability Initiative, 2006-09; Deputy Director, Agri-Industry & International Relationships, CSIRO Sustainable Agriculture Flagship, 2009-13; Theme Leader, Partnering for International Food and Fibre Security, CSIRO Sustainable Agriculture Flagship, 2009-14; Partnership Leader, CSIRO-DFAT Africa Food Security Initiative, 2013-14; Deputy Director General - Research, ICRISAT, 2015-18; Director, CGIAR Research Program on Grain Legumes and Dryland Cereals, 2018; Director General, ICRISAT, 2018 to date;
Awards/Honours: Practitioner Award, the Australian Farming Systems Association, 2003; Elected Fellow, Australian Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology, 2006; Senior Fellowship, Grains Research & Development Corporation, 2007; Elected Fellow, Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering, 2012; Officier de l’Ordre National du Burkina Faso, awarded medal from the Government of Burkina Faso, 2012; Australian Medal of Agricultural Science awarded by Ag Institute Australia, 2013; Alumni Award for International Achievement, University of Sydney, Faculty of Agriculture and Environment, 2014; Advance Global Australian Food and Agriculture Award, awarded by Advance network of global Australians, 2015; RD Watt Annual Public Lecture, The University of Sydney, 2017; Honorary Fellow, Indian Society of Pulses Research and Development, 2018; Associate Editor, Food Security journal 2014-18; Editorial Board, Journal of Integrative Agriculture 2013 - present; Director, Australian Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology, 2006-10; President, Australian Society of Agronomy, 2003-2004; Vice-President, 2002; Board Member, Conservation Farmers Inc. 2004-08; Research Fellow, Wageningen University and Research, 2007; Board Member, International Crop Science Congress 2004; President, Southern Queensland Branch, Australian Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology, 1997-99; Committee member, 1992-2002; 2006-11; Representative, Darling Downs Research Advisory Committee, 1997-2007
Fellow: Australian Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology; Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering
Research Areas: Systems Research and Modelling
Address: Director General, International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT), Patancheru 502324, Telangana; [Tel: Off. (040) 30713221; Cell: 7032122284; Fax: (040) 30713074; Email: p.carberry@cgiar.org]
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