Dr. Neelamraju Sarla
Born in Kanpur, 22 April 1955. Educated at Summer Fields School 1967, Lady Irwin Higher Secondary School, New Delhi 1971; University of Delhi, B.Sc. Botany 1971-74, M.Sc. Botany 1974-76; Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi Ph.D. 1982-87. B.Sc., 1974; M.Sc., 1976; Ph.D., 1987
ARS Scientist, Senior Scientist, Principal Scientist, 1977-1999, Division of Genetics, IARI, New Delhi; Principal Scientist 1999-2013, ICAR National Professor 2013-2020 Indian Institute of Rice Research, Hyderabad.
Awards/Honours: NCERT National Science Talent Search Scholarship 1971-77, University of Delhi Gold Medal 1974, ICAR Senior Research Fellowship 1982-86; DBT Biotechnology Overseas Associateship 2005; ICAR Panjabrao Deshmukh Outstanding Woman Scientist Award 2010; ICAR National Professor Chair 2013
Fellow: Life member, Indian Society of Genetics and Plant Breeding, Society for Advancement of Rice Research
Research Areas: Genetics, genomics, germplasm use, wide hybridization
Address: Flat 4 Block10 HIG (OG), Baghlingampally, Hyderabad 500044, Telangana; [Tel: Res. (040) 27661383; Cell: 9949077262; Email: sarla_neelamraju@yahoo.com; nsarla.drr@gmail.com]
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