Dr. Govind Pratap Rao
Born in Deoria, Uttar Prdaesh, India on 15 January 1960. Educated at Govt Jubille College, Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh, 1973-75; Maharana Pratyap Interr College, Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh, 1975-77; DDU Gorakhpur University, Uttar Pradesh, 1979-86; B.Sc. (Biol.) 1979; M.Sc. ( Botany) 1981; Ph.D. (Botany, Splz. Plant Virol) 1986; Post Doc at University of Urbana-Champaign, Illinois, USA, 1994; CIRAD, France, 1998.
ICAR-Emeritus Scientist (Crop Protection), Indian Agricultural Research Institute, Pusa Campus, New Delhi 2023 to date.
Scientific Officer (Pl. Pathology), 1987-96 and Senior Scientific Officer& Head (Pl Pathol), 1997-2008, U.P. Council of Agricltutral Research, Shahjahanpur, Uttar Pradesh; Officer-in-Charge cum Joint Director, Sugarcane Resdearch Staion Indian, Kunraghat, Gorakhpur, 2008-2010; Officer-in-Chrage, Sugarcane Seed Multiplication fartm, UPCSR, Sadat, Ghazipur, Uttar Pradesh 2009-2010; Principal Scientist ( Pl Pathology), ICAR- Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi, 2010-2022; Director, Institute of Agrcultural and Natural Sciences, DDU Gorakhpur University, Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh, 2022-23.
Awards/Honours: National Biotechnology Associateship Award, DBT, 1991-1992; Young Scientist Award, DST, 1994-1995; DST Overseas BOYSCAST Award,1996; President Award, Society for General Microbiology, UK, 1998; Best U.P. Agriculture Scientist Award, UPCAR, Lucknow, 2002; VigyanRatna Award, Council of Science & Technology, Govt. of UP, 2003-2004; Jin XiuQiu Award,People’s Govt of Guangxi Province, Nanning, China, 2006; Global Award of Excellence, IS 2008, Al-Ahrish, Egypt; Dr. Ram Badan Singh VishishtKrishiVaigyanikPuraskar, UPCAR, 2014; Leadership Excellence Award in Sugarcane Crop Protection, Thailand Society of Sugar Cane Technologists, Bangkok, 2016; General Secretary, Indian Virological Society, New Delhi, 2011-2020; Secretary, Society for Sugar Research & Promotion, New Delhi, 1995-2024; Secretary, Society for Conservation and Research Development of Medicinal Plants, New Delhi, 2005-20024; Editor-in-Chief, Sugar Tech, Springer Nature 2009-2023; Editor-in-Chief, Medicinal Plants Journal, 2005-2024; Editor-in-Chief, PhytopathogenicMollicutes, 2010-2024; S.N. DasguptaMemorial Award, Indian Phytopathology Society, New Delhi, 2019; Prof KS Bhargava Memorial Award, Society for Plant Research, 2023; Sugar Expert to Govt of Sri Lanka, 2001-2002 and Nepal 1991-2004; Associate Editor, 3 Biotech, Springer Nature, 2019-24; European Journal Plant Pathology, 2024 onwards; Secretary, Indian Mycoplasmalogists’ Association of India, Hisar, 2024-to date.
Fellow: Virological Society, India; Indian Phytopathogical Society, New Delhi; Society for Plant Resarch, Bareilly, India; Society for Sugar Research & Promotion, New Delhi, India; Royal Association for Science-led Socio-cultural Advancement, New Delhi; International Association of Professionals in Sugar and Integrtaed Technologies, China
Research Areas: Plant Pathology, Phytoplasmas, Plant Viruses
Address: ICAR-Emeritus Scientist (Crop Protection), Division of Plant Pathology, ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi 110012; B-707, MOD Apartment, Vasundhara Enclave, New Delhi, New Delhi 110096; [Tel: Off. (011) 35671957; Res. (011) 25843588 (Ext. 4407); Cell: 9711763384; Email: gprao_gor@rediffmail.com; gpraossrp@gmail.com]
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