National Academy of Agricultural Sciences

Guidelines for organizing the Brainstorming Sessions (BSS)

Scientific / Technical

  1. The Convener may prepare a background paper and submit it to the NAAS Secretariat for circulation / putting up on the website of the Academy, inviting comments / suggestions of the Fellows/Associates.
  2. The brainstorming must then internalize these inputs in framing a document with focus on content and outcome.
  3. (a) The Convener(s) will submit a two page Executive Summary of the BSS within 7 days for inclusion in the NAAS News.

(b) He/she shall prepare the draft Policy Paper and submit it to the Academy invariably within a maximum period of three months. A few key issues may be flagged at the end for drawing the attention of the policy planners.

  1. A list of the stakeholders to whom the Policy Paper would be useful and required to be sent by the Academy shall be enclosed alongwith the Policy Paper.
  2. The output of all the Brainstorming Sessions may be published in to Policy Papers / Status and Strategy Paper / Synthesis Papers / Research Notes / Recommendations Papers depending upon the contents of each write-up and Each Policy / Strategy / Status Paper may be sent immediately after its printing for better impact without waiting for its formal release.
  3. A generic list of Central / State Government Organizations / Institutions / Departments, Chief Secretaries, Agricultural Production Commissioner, Principal Secretaries / Secretaries of Agriculture, Horticulture, Animal Husbandry, Dairying, Fisheries, Additional Secretary Policy, GoI, etc. may be developed for sending the Policy Papers to them, apart from the list of other stakeholders so as to have a wider outreach of Policy Papers.


  1. The maximum number of participants may not exceed 30.
  2. The final list of the participants shall be approved by the President.
  3. The Brainstorming Session shall be for one day duration only.
  4. The Brainstorming Sessions, if necessary, may also be organized outside NAAS Secretariat as per the convenience of the Convener.
  5. There shall not be any poster session.
  6. The President and in his/her absence, any other Office Bearer of the Academy shall chair the session.


  1. Total budget to be provided by the Academy for organising the BSS may not ordinarily exceed Rs. 2.00 lakh of which not more than 50% would be used on TA/DA.
  2. Preference may be given to the participants who are generally self-supporting, however, taking due care of the conflict of interest.
  3. For those invitees not having any travel assistance the Academy shall provide financial support for their participation.


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