National Academy of Agricultural Sciences

100 Years of Agricultural Sciences in India

This book is a science roadmap for food and agriculture system to render India hunger free, more equitable, prosperous and evergreen. Underpinning the centrality of agriculture in achieving comprehensive and sustained livelihood security in India, it is envisioned that science and technology couched in effective policy regimes will render India zero hunger and less unequal. Internalizing these profound pronouncements, the book is a saga of generation, growth, development and application of agricultural sciences, technologies and innovations during the past 100 years for dynamically transforming Indian Agriculture towards meeting the changing societal needs and priorities and to address ever-evolving and intensifying challenges of comprehensive food, nutrition, ecological and livelihood security.

Price of publication:

  1. Domestic Price (India & SAARC Region) : Rs. 5,000/- per copy inclusive of postage
  2. Overseas Price : USD 300 per copy inclusive of postage


  1. Institutional libraries 15% (inclusive of postage)
  2. Academy Fellow 25% on the price of the book (inclusive of postage)
  3. Students 25% on the price of the book (inclusive of postage) against production of Identity Card
  4. For others 10% across the counter at NAAS Secretariat, New Delhi.

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